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No sleep till breakfast

Staying awake: Max Ponte, 10, holds a pink gorilla to help bring awareness to breast cancer at Friday night’s Sleep-a-Thon fundraiser.

Most children wouldn’t have to be asked twice for the chance to stay up all night playing games and eating treats.For 11 Purvis Primary School students in P6, it was all in the name of charity: the children were sponsored for a ‘Non Sleep-a-Thon’ — to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness.Proud teacher Camille Masters said: “They had a regular school day on Friday, went home, got showered, brushed their teeth, and came back to school for 7pm.”Dodge ball, flashlight tag and 2am cupcakes took up the whole night.Ms Masters said they had all put their heads together for a creative fund raiser. Each student got a dollar an hour for 24 hours awake, but many got more — one student single-handedly took in $92.Nobody felt like sleeping, but some students nodded off shortly after their 7am pancake breakfast, she said.

Staying awake: Aleigha General, 10, wears her pink cancer headband to help bring awareness to breast cancer at Friday night’s Sleep-a-Thon fundraiser.
Staying awake: Ginelle Simmons, 10, holds her eyes open as she and her classmates attempted to stay up night for their Sleep a Thon fundraiser to help bring awareness to breast cancer.