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Has Government got too big? This is a file picture of the reconvening of Parliament.

October 10, 2012Dear Sir,Why is our Bermuda Government so big? Our government has become out of touch with the people. By this I mean both parties. Nowhere in our Bermuda Constitution does it say that the Government should be involved in many of the operations it is involved in today.What if our government spends too much, borrows too much, taxes too much, and interferes too much? What if we got rid of or privatised most Government operations? What if we deregulated the business sector? What if neither of our political parties is pushing for real change, instead, both for the status quo? What if there was competition in the healthcare system? What if the American dollar depreciates so badly, that our money is worthless? What if we took the powers of the beauracracy and of representation, and put them into the hands of parish councils? What if the entire system of government needs to be radically changed?We can privatise post, garbage collection, education, healthcare, and transport operations, as well as others.We can cut most, if not all taxes.We can do away with Fractional Reserve Banking which has been the crux of the problem of the economic system since its inception.We can create a society where government provides nothing more and nothing less than National Security.We can be free to live as we want to live, and to do as we want to do.The Constitution of Bermuda was not written to limit the rights of individuals or businesses. The system was. Chances are, you probably broke a law today without even knowing!Every thinking economist can tell you that bailouts don't help people. They take money from the public and transfer it to a select few, wealthier people.If we really want change, we cannot just sit here and watch government after government make the same mistakes over and over again.Our Government is big because of one word. Ignorance. Only Ignorance could explain why the Bermuda Government is the size it is.THOMAS L MAHONEYHamilton Parish