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Where have all the flowers gone?

Too many marigolds? A visitor is concerned that Hamilton seems to have less flower variety than it used to.

June 30, 2012Dear Sir,Several years ago when I last visited Bermuda, I was impressed by the floral and plants displays in Hamilton. On a recent visit, the colour seemed to be predominantly provided by African marigolds. Colourful as they are, they are reminiscent of bedding displays in the United Kingdom. What has happened to all the glorious foliaged Caladiums? These certainly seemed more appropriate to a subtropical scene.Par-la-Ville Park has lost its attraction with weedy flower beds and long grass. Previously there seemed to be a very diverse range and display of plants. Have there been cutbacks as in so many towns and cities in the UK? Maybe I am being overcritical, but having been involved in judging competitions in Scotland for many years, I tend to take a closer look than the average visitor.I must say how much my wife and I enjoyed touring round Bermuda and seeing how much care and pleasure so many residents take in their own gardens. Turning every corner seems to be an endless excursion through a botanic garden.I have judged the “Champion of Champions” section of the War Memorials and Gardens Competition for the Royal British Legion Scotland for over 20 years and as a result of my reports, many improvements have been made. If the memorial at St George’s had been included, I am afraid that the "standard of appearance" would be marked down due to flaking paint.Other than these observations, we were greatly impressed by the friendliness of so many people and the hospitality we received.WILLIAM TAITEdinburgh, UK