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MPs to debate giving increased power to police to combat gangs

MPs will today debate legislation giving more power to police in the fight against gang violence.It will become an offence for somebody to instruct a member of an unlawful gang to commit an offence, under amendments to the Criminal Code Act due before the House of Assembly.Increased penalties will also be introduced for those who commit gang-related offences, as part of the legislation being introduced by National Security Minister Wayne Perinchief.Meanwhile the Bail Amendment Act will address a legal technicality related to suspects granted bail subject to a surety.Attorney General Kim Wilson says currently the law is unclear as to whether the police or Department of Corrections has legal responsibility over suspects before they have obtained a surety.The Bail Amendment Act states that the Commissioner of Prisons has such responsibility.Finally today, Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert will kick-off a motion on the National Tourism Plan, which aims to help Bermuda generate $1.4 billion a year through tourism by 2022, by developing destination hubs to target the luxury market, converting cruise visitors into air arrivals and reducing seasonality.