Do you Pin?
Every time I log onto Facebook I see notifications of friends posting on Pinterest and after some research can understand why. Pinterest is currently ranked the third largest social networking site with over 13 million subscribers, surpassed only by Facebook and Twitter.Pinterest is a dynamic social media site that allows users to “pin” videos, documents and images and can be used in a multitude of ways. You are able to like, comment or repost content that you find on others pinboards or upload content of your own.Content is stored and organised on pinboards and these are categorised to make searching easier, the developers have even created a pin it icon that can be installed in your tool bar to make pinning content seamless.Creating an account is easy; simply locate the Pinterest site ( and complete the required information- username, password, e-mail and then you will move onto step two, selecting categories that may be of interest to you. Select those that appeal to you and the site will then present you with a group of suggested persons to follow.Don’t worry, you aren’t linked to these folks forever and if you don’t find their pins interesting you can elect to “unfollow” them at any time. You also have the option to follow boards not just individuals, which may expose you to broader content. You can invite or search for friends and contact information for them can be easily integrated from your Facebook, e-mail, Yahoo mail or Gmail contact lists.Step three is to create your own boards- enter in a few categories that you’d like to create boards for and then select the create boards option. Now you’re ready to start populating your pinboards!I couldn’t understand the enormous buzz surrounding the site until I tried it for myself and only then did I realise how addictive it could be. Pinterest is a great medium to collect and share ideas and even create awareness around campaigns or subjects that you feel passionately about. Give it a try.Stay tuned for a series of TechBuzz challenges starting in July.We’d love to know what topics you’d be interested in learning more about, so e-mail us at