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National Tourism Plan tabled in Parliament

The National Tourism Plan will be tabled in the House of Assembly today, according to Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert.The plan, which has been developed over the last five months, is said to lay the groundwork for Bermuda’s tourism strategy over the next five to ten years.In a statement released yesterday, Mr Furbert said: “The Tourism Board has been working very hard on this plan behind the scenes and we are now thrilled to be able to present it to the people of Bermuda.“This plan promises to bring hope to a struggling sector of our economy as well as opportunity for employment and investment.“We are confident the public will support this plan as we work together to reinvent Bermuda as the world’s premier travel destination.”He described the plan as “ambitious and achievable”, laying out clear guidelines for implementation, including actions to be implemented this year for immediate results.The plan has been developed through a collaboration with Tourism and Leisure Europraxis and OBM International, along with the Tourism Board.More than 175 stakeholders participated in the consultative process through a series of workshops and meetings.A town-hall meeting for the public to hear about the plan will be held at the Berkeley Institute on Monday at 7pm.