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Cole Simons named OBA candidate for Smith’s South

Cole Simons was yesterday announced as the OBA candidate for Smith’s South. (Photo by Mark Tatem)

Long-serving MP Cole Simons was yesterday unveiled as the One Bermuda Alliance’s general election candidate for Smith’s South.Mr Simons, who has represented the constituency for the Opposition since 1998, told the media his party has the values to bring about the change the Island desperately needs.“Only with a strong Government committed to the people’s business can we hope to have hope for the future,” the MP said as he was rolled out at OBA headquarters.“Bermuda today is at a crossroads in its economic and social life.“More Bermudians are out of work and more are working harder for less.“More Bermudians have lost their homes and even more are watching their home values plummet. More of us have cars we can’t afford to drive, bills we can’t afford to pay and tuition beyond our reach.“I’ve seen workers who would rather cut their hours back a day, even though they can’t afford it, than see their friends lose their jobs.“It is long past time to roll up our sleeves and get on with the business of changing our situation.“I am proud to be part of a team that is prepared to do just that — to bring forward change to grow jobs, to reform education once and for all and to tackle the severe issues that give rise to gang violence.”He said the Island needs to rebuild trust in its political system by ditching the division and governance that has failed to put Bermuda first.The OBA is committed to living responsibly within its means, he said, as well as zero tolerance for fraud and corruption, open and accountable government, inclusiveness, service for the people and spreading opportunity from a strong economy and safe communities.“These are the values of the One Bermuda Alliance, and they are the values that can bring real change to the Island,” he said.“There is one more thing, and it’s about being honest about what Government can achieve.“Real change will not come about only through what Government does. Real change will come when we start working together, and commit more of ourselves to the Island.“Instead of asking ‘What am I entitled to?’ ask ‘What are my responsibilities?’ Instead of asking ‘What am I owed?’ ask ‘What can I give?’“Do these things and the sky’s the limit.“We can build a more responsible society, but it will not happen without change.“The big risk is to stick with what has not been working, to stick with the same old politics, the same old players and expect a different result.”