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No reward for doing your job

June 1, 2012Dear Sir,To say I was amazed would be an understatement. It is generally acknowledged by all outside of Government that we now have a bloated, overpaid and underworked civil service and the head of their union now wants those who do their job properly to be rewarded over and above their generous salaries.This is precisely what is wrong with Bermuda today. For the salary received, not from Government but from the taxpayers of Bermuda, the civil servant should meet all core requirements or face meaningful consequences if they fail to do so.I worked in the Civil Service for a decade and while most quietly got on with their jobs, some got away with tardiness and almost zero productivity due to private business, telephone calls and Internet use. I never saw or heard of a civil servant cautioned, reprimanded or punished for misdeeds.Annual performance appraisals are a joke as a supervisor who gives a bad review would in turn receive a bad review from their boss because their staff were not performing to acceptable standards, so just about everybody receives at least a passing grade year in year out, irrespective of performance.Those doing a good job should not be additionally rewarded unless they come up with an innovation that will save taxpayers significant sums of money.Those who are just warming a seat and failing to do a good job should be dismissed and remaining civil servants told why. Over the last decade there has been too much carrot and not enough stick at the taxpayer’s expense.DISGUSTEDPembroke