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Six strikes and you’re out

May 21, 2012Dear Sir,Don’t get me wrong, I commend the Police for their efforts; they have a thankless job for the most part. But in my neighbourhood we have had several break-ins. The facts are that many in our neighbourhood, and the police, actually know who is doing the break-ins, and on occasion they even get arrested. They then receive sentences of three years, but get released in one.We have knowledge of one fellow who has been caught and prosecuted six times; some of the others three or four times. I would think that when a person has a record of repeatedly breaking the law this many times, he should be considered a career criminal in the courts and the courts should consider incarcerating this fellow for some six years with no early release. What is humorous is these guys get early release for “good behaviour”?Better still with someone who offends this many times, incarcerate him until he attempts to improve his life, say passes his GED if he doesn’t have it, or actively makes a justifiable effort to participate in counselling; basically taking advantage of what the prison service can offer to make a difference in his/her life. Good behaviour on its own, apparently does not cut it for the public or the inmate.SYDNEYPaget