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An inspiration to his peers

Tashel Bean

May 16, 2012Dear Sir,Young Achiever has once again highlighted Mr Tashel Bean in The Royal Gazette on Saturday, May 12, 2012 for his driving passion for acting and animation. Well done Mr Bean. You keep an extremely busy life. You write plays, you're a prefect, you're on the student council, and on the football club at your school as well as the Future Business Leaders of Bermuda. Keep up the good work that you're doing. Good luck with your next production and fundraiser to help your fellow students who need help. Yes, you do have a lot on your plate and I feel that you're an inspiration to your peers. Congratulations, and all the best to you on your achievements, your graduation day from The Berkeley Institute, and moving on to The Savannah College of Art and Design. I feel that you will be the next “Steven Spielberg” and I'm looking forward to seeing your productions.OBSERVERSandys