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OBA youth group hosts Family Fun Day Saturday

Future Bermuda Alliance, will host a Family Fun Day on Saturday to raise money for two charities struggling to raise funds in the current economic climate.The One Bermuda Alliance youth group will also use the event to celebrate their one year anniversary marking the formation of the OBA.FBA Chairwoman Alexis Swan said its all part of their community outreach programme to “let people know that we are here for them, and reach out to raise funds for charity”.“This is our way of giving something back to the community while letting people get to know us as candidates at the same time,” said Ms Swan.The two charities to benefit from the proceeds raised are the St George’s Foundation and the Beyond Sports Association.Organisers are hoping to raise quite a bit from the highlight event of the day. The Family Fun Day starts at 11am and runs through to 6pm at Mullet Bay Park, the main event will be held at 3pm.Nandi Davis said: ““One of the best features of the day is the dunking of the OBA candidates, MP’s and Senators where you will be able to auction them off for a dunk in the water.“If you want to see Craig Cannonier the party’s leader dunked, how much are you willing to out bid the next person to get him dunked? Admission is free, and we will have food stalls with reasonable prices plus vendors, all the funds raised will be going directly to charity,” said Ms Davis.There will also be performances by two majorette groups, the PHC Majorettes and the St George’s Dancerettes with live entertainment throughout the day which will also feature a series of three-legged races, egg and spoon races and tug of war competitions.FBA member Terry Hodgson stressed that the event transcends politics.“We just want people to come out and support the community, its not about party politics, its about supporting the community and charities at a time when they are most in need.”Ms Swan added: “We just think that its important as a youth group to lead by example and to reach out to people, you really need to know the community in order to serve them.“There are charities that need to be helping the community and can’t because they are low on funds. It’s a recession and if we don’t have people helping these charities then the community falls.”The FBA recently hosted events for single mothers and fathers in addition to events geared especially for seniors.Ms Swan said: “With the seniors we wanted to get to know them, know their struggles and spend a day with them because young people have lost their connection with the elderly and we think its really important.“Now we want families to come out and just have a good time, “ she added.Mr Hodgson said: “In economic hard times this is a low-cost family oriented event for fellowship and helping charities at the same time, plus it’s on a Saturday, and the event will go on rain, blow or shine.”Both Ms Swan and Ms Davis have been rolled as candidates for the OBA in the next general election.Ms Swan will run in Warwick South East. Ms Davis will run in St George’s West.