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Ladies take the football spotlight

NVCC Lady Rams will renew rivalries with Dandy Stars during today?s Women?s League season opener at BFA Field.Photo by Tamell Simons

Bermuda Football Association’s (BFA) outdoor Women’s League officially kicks off today with a double-header at BFA Field in Prospect.Dandy Town Sports Club Dandy Stars and North Village Community Club Lady Rams will get the ball rolling when they lock horns in the 5pm curtain-raiser.Robin Hood FC Ladies will then do battle with PHC Lady Zebras in the second match to commence at 7pm.The league season runs from today to July 28 with all eleven-a-side matches taking place at the BFA Field.There will also be two separate knockout competitions.The first KO tournament will begin on June 6 with the FA Cup set for July.Earlier this year, Lady Rams were crowned Women’s Indoor Futsal champions and they will now be eager to build on that achievement.Hamilton Parish and Young Men’s Social Club both competed in the Futsal League but were unable to assemble a full quota of players to play in the outdoor league.The Women’s League is being played over the summer to avoid conflicting with the indoor Futsal League and also affords overseas college students the opportunity to participate during the summer break.