Bermuda to be featured on CBS Early Show
Tourism Minister Wayne Furbert announced a new initiative yesterday that will see live images of Bermuda beamed across the US on the CBS Early Show.Describing the move as an ‘unprecedented opportunity’ the minister said the live inserts will also feature regular weather updates on Bermuda’s climate.In making the announcement Mr Furbert said Bermuda will come in for unlimited publicity by way CBS when the hosts and crew of the Early Show air live from Bermuda in the months ahead.The new initiative comes with a $350,000 price tag to be paid to Bermuda Broadcasting Company Limited, the local affiliate for both CBS and ABC. Plans are underway to secure a similar deal with ABC and possibly other networks.But Mr Furbert was not able to disclose pertinent details of the deal which is still in the works.Neither was he able to say when the new initiative will start or how long it will run for on the network schedule.“CBS will receive a live shot from specified locations in Bermuda. This segment will be carried across the United States with all affiliates in all markets and will be seen via satellite around the world.”And CBS will give viewers a chance to win a trip to Bermuda. “The terms of the contest will be shown during the live show and leveraged over the internet.”Mr Furbert said: “CBS will display the name of Bermuda on top of the national weather map during the weather segments between 7am and 9am eastern time. The graphic will also display the temperature.“The Bermuda weather graphic will be carried on the national network transmission. Bermuda’s weather stats will scroll across the screen each morning, alternating during the three weather segments.As for the benefits, the minister said: “Can you imagine when it’s cold in Boston and Halifax they will see on CBS that its 75 degrees in Bermuda, with a live shot in Hamilton or a shot on a South Shore beach or Shelly Bay.“The value is $350,000 but the exposure and the value that we’re getting for this is probably worth millions of dollars that we can’t pay for.”