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Richardson a big miss for BCB

This week the Bermuda Cricket Board lost a very valuable man in the helm, due to the resignation of vice-president Allen Richardson.His work over the last four years and beyond has been nothing short of extraordinary.Allen has been steadfast in his commitment for the betterment of the sport. As a Board member, his visible presence proved his love and passion for the game and he has been duly noted as one who not only talks the talk but walks the walk.Allen being overlooked in the presidential race was unfortunate, unfair and ignorant to say the least. But the qualities that he has emulated over the years and his love of the sport will hopefully one day see him in that race again. Make no mistake this is Bermuda cricket’s loss and whoever has to fill his shoes certainly has their work cut out for them.Allen worked hard in his role as vice-president. Over the past four years he has been instrumental in forming the technical committee.The technical committee under Allen met regularly to discuss various cricket issues. They often met with the clubs to discuss the positives and negatives of cricket and how to improve our local game.While many other executives remained amongst the missing, Allen was always there pushing on trying to find ways to improve cricket. If there was one official who didn’t mind coming forward and sharing cricketing matters with the public, it was Allen.He has been relentless, and truthfully, deep down I feel he deserved a shot at the presidency due to his unyielding effort and his dedication to the sport.We live in a world where nothing can be taken for granted, regardless of the blood, sweat, and tears put in.What transpired at the BCB AGM was disrespectful to a gentleman that gave his all to the sport. Up until this day I do not know if Allen simply removed himself from the race or was simply overlooked altogether, but I believe it was the latter.As long as morality and integrity eludes club officials in their intentions for the sport, you will have many more that will just give up the fight for the cause.Some club officials took great delight in blindsiding a candidate who had worked so hard on their behalf to try and turn things around. It was nothing short of humiliating, not for Allen, but for our Cricket Board.Many other sporting bodies have criticised the funding given for both of our national sports and if we can’t stick together as players, clubs, umpires, and Board members, then they have they ammunition they need to discredit the overall plan. My running in the race most likely added to the debacle and for that I am truly sorry and Allen I personally apologise to you for running in the first place.Hold your head high as you go on to bigger and better things. You have set an example for others to follow.If there was cricket fixture regardless of whether it was club cricket or national cricket, Allen, you were one of the few executives always around. You not only talked the talk at the top, but you walked the walk and encouraged your former colleagues to follow in your footsteps by making themselves more visible at games.It saddens me that you are leaving. Although you didn’t achieve your ultimate goal of president, I can assure you that you won over many with your efforts. And for those who worked tirelessly to make certain you didn’t have a chance, remember it is their loss. Let’s see who steps up to the plate to tackle all the endless work that you have done.Allen, from a player, a coach, and someone with aspirations of being an administrator, you showed me by example what it takes to be a leader at the Bermuda Cricket Board. Hopefully one day, hard work, dedication, integrity, and passion will be the route to carry cricket forward.Look out next week for my Super Six predictions!Quote of the week: Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes Peter Drucker