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Rugby has many benefits

Youth Rugby: Warwick Academy/Somersfield take on CedarBridge Academy

February 2, 2012Dear Sir,What a positive move for our Education Department to allow the introduction of a rugby league in the Middle School system, thanks to the Family Centre and the Bermuda Rugby Football Union. This has great potential to go a long way in bringing an end to the antisocial behaviour we have experienced in our community in recent years. This must not just be short term, like so many good ides which are driven by an individual such as John Layfield, only to be dropped as they move on. It must be sustained after them by introducing Rugby permanently into the school curriculum.The results of this league will soon be seen to reap its benefits. In a few years time as this league progresses into the Senior School curriculum and these same males, who will then be young teenagers, will still be enjoying the game so much, that gangs will not be an attractive alternative. Rugby is often referred to as a ruffian’s game played by gentlemen and it really brings the best out of boys into men. It is a rough contact sport which enables its players to rid themselves of aggression and surplus testosterone. Of course, mothers and later down the road, girlfriends, may initially be upset when they see the bruises or the occasional squashed nose, but the boy should not be deterred from playing.Although soccer is one of our national sports, it does bring with it unfortunately poor sportsmanship and necessary heavy policing initiatives due to its antisocial behaviour by some of its fans. Yesterday’s soccer game in Port Said, Egypt, although possibly politically motivated, has been an extreme example. One only has to view the number of police and security employed at soccer stadiums throughout the world compared to those of rugby stadiums. There is a massive difference in this regard. Most rugby games have practically none or very few for directional purposes. Police officers seen at rugby matches have probably popped into see the game from their traffic duty points. This is because most male rugby spectators have played the game and have reaped its benefits and or are well disciplined men. Once rugby men have exhausted their consensual violence against each other they will shake hands and continue to the club house, where positive social interaction and bonding will take place. Bermuda support our schools rugby. Boys keep it up; you’ll soon be men!JOHN DALEPembroke