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Our core values should be universal

Our moral and ethical values go to the very core of who we are. The quality of our decisions and actions are shaped by clear and indisputable values such as trust, integrity, respect, civility, humility and compassion. We all have a common stake not just in upholding these values but in defending them when they are in jeopardy or are violated. It is becoming much more common place to witness public displays of rudeness, arrogance and disrespect. Too many today take their cues from a polarised political culture and a mistrust of our institutions. Civility demands mutual trust and respect. At its core it means respecting the other person’s point of view, their diversity and difference.Business leaders, politicians, public servants and ordinary citizens need to set the standard of civility, respect, trust and integrity that made Bermuda a very special place to live, visit and do business. These core values foster an atmosphere of discipline and imagination, an openness to the constructive criticism of peers and the active encouragement of a diversity of views.Our institutions like Government, churches and businesses are deeply rooted in core values which form their codes of conduct. Core values are the glue that keeps everything together and allows us to interact with fundamental civility, simple courtesy and trust.Trust, civility and courtesy create a sense of community. It makes it easier for people to work together and it makes social life predictable.Levels of respect, distrust and incivility impairs our ability as a country to come together to meet some of the most pressing economic and social challenges.Given the current challenges facing the country, we need a fresh commitment by all of us to embrace these universal core values.