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OBA Senator visits neighbourhood near latest shooting

An Opposition Senator has praised police for their response to a shooting this weekend, and sought to comfort local residents.A 24-year-old man suffered serious injuries to his back, shoulder and arms in the attack outside Gravity nightclub on North Shore Road, early on Saturday.A previous shooting in the same area left a man injured early on Saturday October 8. A loaded gun was found there early on Saturday, November 5 after police chased two men.Michael Dunkley of the One Bermuda Alliance, who is campaigning for election in the area, visited it later on Saturday morning.He explained: “I wanted to show people I was there for them and to comfort them.“I was very impressed when I was in the neighbourhood, as the police were knocking doors, asking questions, doing a very thorough job of investigating the matter. The public should know the police are hard at work doing the best they can.”However, he added: “People are just very frightened that we don’t seem to be able to put a stop to the shootings. It’s just a very uneasy feeling every day.”Sen Dunkley said he had been trying to contact the nightclub’s owners.Although some neighbours told him they could hear noise from the club, he said: “There are many people in the area who think the club does do a good job.“The security is good and they are very supportive of the club. It would be way premature to point any finger at the club.“I spoke to a couple of people who said there were no worries with the party (that night) and the police even came into the club.“From what I understand, the club had closed before it happened and it was not an offshoot from the club.”He urged anyone with information about the shooting to contact the police.The Royal Gazette contacted the elected MP for the area, Patrice Minors of the Progressive Labour Party, inviting her to comment on the shooting. She did not reply to e-mails.