House could do with an attitude makeover
Our House of Parliament, which is supposed to be the centre of legislative power in handling the island’s affairs, has in recent times, been sliding into highly questionable behavioural standards that for many observers is disturbing. Instead of the crucial needs of the people, attention seems more focused on a clash of personalties for political gain.
Everyone knows that in most democratic countries, things can become quite heated; in some jurisdictions, there have been occasions when dignity and decorum have been swept aside, with blows exchanged between opposing groups, making great footage for TV news. Nothing is ever solved when this happens and, thankfully, such scenes seldom occur in this part of the world.
Our Members of Parliament, irrespective of which side of their domain, must be ever conscious of conduct that upholds standards we hope to pass on to the next generation. This is important because we need to demonstrate proper behaviour, rather than expect children to be guided by words alone. Yes, we all make mistakes, but at the same time, admitting errors of judgment is always a step in the right direction.
This is relevant to both sides in any dispute where emotions overheat, and the door swings open for behaviour unbecoming in this historic legislative building, where the word “honourable” is used throughout all deliberations. The public should never be in a position where they are forced to watch those elected to serve in the interest of all Bermuda engaged in what can only be described as political duels specifically aimed at motivating supporters to maintain some type of base needed for future elections.
The electorate is aware that the world of politics can at times be brutal, but even under such circumstances, those elected to office are expected to refrain from conduct that steps away from respect and dignity. Any Member of Parliament should be able to express themselves clearly and forcefully on a particular issue without straying into the no-man’s land of negative behaviour — that is never acceptable. Not all the voters are able to follow every event in detail that takes place in Parliament, but many are troubled by outbursts at times that cross the line in what they consider ethical conduct.
It is truly a time for deep soul-searching by the One Bermuda Alliance government and the opposition Progressive Labour Party, as Bermuda tries to take advantage of opportunities to move the Island forward during this extremely challenging economic period.
The America’s Cup, which is bubbling with the potential to inject a much needed financial boost to our economy, will need our very best in leadership, with a joint focus on success for the island. There will always be disagreement along the way, but with cooler heads and a calming of the political waters, the move to further progress may take root.
Bermuda remains one of the outstanding vacation resorts in a highly competitive world, where visitors can experience something special, with beauty and the warmth of the people. There are many struggling businesses throughout the Island, yearning to play a bigger role in providing service for Bermudians and visitors, and considerable attention is needed to create growth in this area.
Although international business has become a strong pillar of our economy, our tourist industry, which has not been riding the highest wave for some time, should be able to bounce back, but only with significant support from all sections of the community. We have the weather, we have the beauty, we have the people. What we need is greater incentive to pull these things together — in a manner that will bring positive results and benefits for all.
If our island product is kept at its best, Cuba will be just another competitor in the tourism industry, similar to islands to our south. There is much work ahead and it could be an all-hands-on-deck situation. There are still sensitive community issues that our leaders need to focus on in the quest for solutions, and constant squabbles in Parliament, where divisiveness seems to be the order of the day, will only delay progress the Island is hoping for.
We can ill afford a resurgence of gunplay on this small island; no stone should be left unturned in trying to assist police in discouraging such crimes. What is most important is whether our Bermuda ship is moving in the right direction. Passengers on a cruise ship seldom worry if they know the crew at the helm are keeping them safe and on course.
We can begin by making our distinguished legislative chambers the centre for rebuilding, in a manner Bermuda can be proud of.
Attitudes are not expected to change overnight, but a little more thought before speaking during heated exchanges in our Parliament could help to improve the climate there, with renewed focus on the people and their needs as the highest priority.