Run on your record
October 31, 2011Dear Sir,There must be an election in the offing. The PLP supporters resent anyone who would dare to put their shameful record of failed policies and mismanagement into the sunshine of public scrutiny as being guilty of treason! This government has enjoyed victory at the polls three times, they are an unmitigated disaster. They, nonetheless, have a loyal support base; do they make their case on sound policies and a good legislative record? Sadly, the answer is a resounding “no”. No amount of neglected management or economic incompetence is of concern.What seems to matter is race. The very idea that this administration should lose the election is revolting to them. Our future is in the wrong hands as we suffer at hands of the PLP who happen to be in the main, black; therefore any criticism is to down black people. What utter rubbish! The first person to hold the title of premier was Sir E T Richards and we have had black cabinet ministers in the past and present who serve very well. It is not the skin colour of this government that is an issue but their shameful performance. The race card is trump for their supporters, on the PLP’s record they lose!HIGHER GROUNDSmith’s