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Six task forces set up to implement national health plan

A total of 100 people have taken the opportunity to have their say on the National Health Plan.Health Minister Zane DeSilva has announced that the feedback collected since February will result in “some revisions” to the healthcare blueprint.Six task forces have also been set up to help implement the goals of the National Health Plan, which is still said to be “a work in progress”.Mr DeSilva released The Consultation Feedback Report at a press conference this morning.He said it was “very encouraging” that 100 written responses were received from across the community.The feedback came from the two opposition political parties, two trade unions, three private health insurers, six charities, 11 health professionals, 36 members of the public and 40 employers and business advocacy groups.Mr DeSilva explained there had been support for making health coverage available to everyone, containing the increase in healthcare costs and universal healthcare coverage.However, he said the feedback on equity was more varied and there was “a great deal of interest” in the cost of healthcare reforms and concerns raised about proportional contributions.Mr DeSilva said: “Overall, the feedback offered us the reassurance that there was very strong support for universal access to healthcare, and enhancing the basic package”.* See the attached file for the full report.