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Butterfield leads BSX rise

Butterfield Bank shares rose more than four percent last week to lead The Royal Gazette / Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) Index to a 10-point rise.The bank gained six cents, or 4.37 percent, to close the week on $1.43, as more than 15,000 shares changed hands.It was also a good week for telecommunications group KeyTech Ltd, which gained 40 cents, or 7.14 percent, to close the week on $6, on the trading of 1,000 shares.Devonshire Industries recorded a 55 percent rise in its share price on the trading of just 1,000 shares, as it jumped $2.20 to $6.20.Argus Group Holdings Ltd suffered the biggest fall last week, tumbling 49 cents, 9.81 percent, to $4.50, as 11,750 shares were exchanged.Ascendant Group Ltd, owner of Belco, also dipped, shedding five cents, or 0.35 percent, to close the week on $14, as 1,000 shares traded.The Index climbed 10.36 points, or 0.87 percent, during the five days of trading to end Friday on 1,188.53.Share volume was 32,869, while turnover totalled $136,746.Useful website: www.bsx.com