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Simple, healthy and fast

Reaching under the bed to retrieve a hair clip and pulling out a cockroach was not an ideal way to start the day. It has however extended little Belle’s vocabulary. She now says “DUCK!” whenever she sees an insect. Fortunately the roach was dead. If I had pulled it out alive I would have either passed out or died. I am aware that’s a little dramatic.So apparently, in the run up to Hurricane Leslie, the critters are trying to sneak indoors. The roach was followed by an army of ants, hell bent on interfering with the school run. I find it literally impossible to walk away from my house knowing that a stream of ants are on their way in. This left me in a tricky situation use my very eco-friendly and practically useless spray, or commit ant and environmental homicide with a can of Raid. In the end, I went green, followed by the vacuum which was actually almost as satisfying.Instead of spending the rest of the day working, I then did my hurricane prep. This has included a thorough cockroach risk assessment of the house. If we are going to be locked inside, I cannot risk being locked in with something that may crawl into my mouth when I sleep (shudder). Of course this left me with absolutely no time to prepare dinner. Instead I rolled out my simplest, healthiest and fastest side warm, roasted aubergine salad.The flavour and consistency of aubergine can be an acquired taste, but if you like it, you absolutely have to try this recipe. Do it tomorrow, before your power goes out! It’s great as a side but it’s also good as a main just top with some organic chicken, or walnuts and avocado for a vegan option.Aubergine is in season right now (August to October) so it’s at its best. As well as being full of vitamins and minerals, aubergine contains an antioxidant-rich phytonutrient called nasunin. Nasunin is a potent free-radical scavenger (meaning that it mops up damaging free radicals in the body) that helps to protect lipids (fats) in cell membranes. As cell membranes let nutrients in and waste out and as they receive instructions from messenger cells to tell the cell what to do it’s worth keeping them in good shape.Ok, that’s it from me. See you on the other side and stay safe!Roasted aubergine saladIngredients (serves four):2 medium aubergines , cut into small chunks3 tbs olive oil½ tsp sea saltFreshly ground black pepper2 tbs balsamic vinegarSmall handful raisinsLarge box of arugulaMethod:1. Heat oven to 400F. Toss the aubergine with 2 tbs olive oil and seasoning in a large roasting tin and roast for 30 mins until golden and soft.2. When cooked, toss with the vinegar, raisins and remaining oil. Scatter over the rocket just before serving. Can be served warm or at room temperature.The advice given in this article is not intended to replace medical advice, but to complement it. Always consult your GP if you have any health concerns. Catherine Burns BA Hons, Dip ION is the managing director of Natural Ltd and a fully qualified nutritional therapist trained by the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in the UK. Please note that she is not a registered dietitian. For details, visit www.natural.bm or call 236-7511. Join Catherine on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nutrifitandnaturalnutritionbermuda.