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Graves desecrated at Pembroke churchyard

The graveyard at Pembroke Cemetery where seven graves have been desecrated.

Police are investigating the desecration of seven graves at a graveyard in Pembroke.When contacted yesterday, a Police spokesman confirmed that the graves had been “disturbed”, but that nothing was stolen.When asked about the discovery, the spokesman said “nothing was taken from any of the graves. Due to the sensitive nature of the situation it was not immediately reported by police." Bbut he declined to elaborate any further.Last night, chairman of the Pembroke Parish Council, Charles Jeffers confirmed the desecration at Pembroke Parish graveyard on August 25, but insisted that none of the bodies appeared to have been disturbed.About two thirds of St John's Church graveyard is the responsibility of the church while the southeast portion, bordering St John's Road and Marsh Folly Road is the responsibility of the Council.“It seems more of an act of vandalism,” Mr Jeffers said. “I've never heard of it happening before in Bermuda.”Mr Jeffers explained that due to the Bermuda custom of burying several family members in one grave, not all relevant people could be contacted.Most graves are sealed with limestone and cement mix, and Mr Jeffers explained that it is a simple matter for graveyard workers to “pop the top” for a new burial.“I'm sure you can appreciate it is such a sensitive issue. We certainly didn't want to alarm anyone. But many people are buried in those graves, so there are some people that don't know.“We want to assure people that we saw no signs of intentional damage to the coffins.”Enquiries are ongoing and anyone with information about the crime are asked to contact detectives at 295-011.* Are you a relative affected by this? If so email news@royalgazette.bm