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BFA assurances over player safety

Bermuda Football Association have assured Michael Weeks, the Acting Minister of National Security, that the Island's footballers will be safe when they visit Trinidad and Tobago next week.A recent spate of violence on the Caribbean Island that left almost 50 people dead had caused concern for the safety of the Bermuda football team who are due to travel to Trinidad for the first of their World Cup Qualifiers.However, Weeks said he had spoken to the BFA and was satisfied everything was being done to ensure the players would be safe.“This is an international event and the governing body for football in the region and internationally is responsible for security," said the Minister." However, in light of the recent issues in Trinidad and Tobago I asked the Bermuda Football Association to assure me of the arrangements made.“I am satisfied that the security authorities in Trinidad & Tobago have matters in hand and that every aspect of safety and security for our players will be addressed."The provision of security for international games and the teams themselves is not new and every account of local conditions is taken. I expect this to be the same in Trinidad and Tobago.“I wish the players well and look forward to a Bermuda victory.”