Concerned by nepotism
August 23, 2011Dear Sir,I am writing concerning whether or not there is nepotism within the PLP government. Nepotism, by definition; favouritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence.It seems that many relatives or friends of past and current members of parliament are benefitting by their positions of power. One or two families have many of their relatives or friends in high governmental positions. Are we being governed efficiently or effectively, or is this a way of getting friends and families a pay cheque courtesy of the taxpayer? As a result of these nepotistic ways, in this writer’s opinion, we find ourselves in a downward spiral. Our local economy is under threat, our health care system seems unjust, crime has escalated and there’s little evidence of tourism turningWill Bermuda continue on in the direction we are now headed or will change be on its way?OBA SUPPORTERSmith’s