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Blind leading the blind

Paula Cox

July 20, 2011Dear Sir,Yesterday's town hall meeting with the Ministers presenting the Premier Cox plan for stimulating the economy told me we are a country in great danger.It's all Socialist rhetoric by Minister Blakeney along with the voodoo economics of consultant Rolfe Commissiong. They and others like Phil Perinchief are leading Ms Cox down the twisting road of a failing state.All these so-called consultants are taxpayer-paid propagandists for the PLP. It's obvious they have no independent opinion but speak for the socialist wing of their political party.They speak with two or three different tongues; they want price controls but make laws for local companies to compete in a free market. They complain about the oligarchy but rule by a few people in a tight clique of friends who reward each other. They say they will protect Bermudian jobs but let more foreign workers in the country.Those PLP Bermuda Government consultants with their anti-business rhetoric are driving jobs and business away from Bermuda. Mr Editor isn't it obvious the Government is in such financial trouble from its mistakes that it must rob Peter to pay Paul and change the laws to make it OK after the fact!The Premier wants us to have new eyes to look to the future. All I see is the blind leading the blind!CHARLES SPANSWICKCity of Hamilton