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18-year tradition to end at New Traditions

Photo by Glenn TuckerNew Traditions Resturant Head Chef Srinivasan Nandagopall and Owner Dale Fox - they have applied for a liquor licence.

A West End restaurant will soon end its no-alcohol policy if an application for a liquor licence is approved.The New Traditions restaurant, which specialises in Chinese, Indian and local cuisine, has been dry since it first opened 18 years ago. “This will help us grow the business and a lot of our customers will not have to go to other places for alcohol,” said Srini Nandegopal, the restaurant’s manager.Dale Fox, who took over from the restaurant’s previous owners two months ago, said the change was supported by many of New Traditions’ regulars. “A lot of people have been asking about it,” said Mr Fox, adding that “even Christians like a little wine with their meal”.Mr Fox, who also owns a contracting firm, joined the restaurant business because of the recent downturn in the construction industry. “I didn’t want to be stuck with nothing to do,” he said, adding that he was attracted to New Traditions because “it is in good location and is well-known in the community”.Since taking over, the new owner has also renovated the interior and added a flavour of his native St David’s to the menu. Mr Fox, who says he enjoys an occasional glass of red when he eats out, insists that his focus will be on running a traditional and affordable restaurant.“Alcohol will just be for the people eating here, it’s not turning into a pub,” he said, noting that the proposed licence is restricted to wine and beer.The application will be considered by the Liquor Licensing Authority at a hearing on August 8.