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Jailed murderer caught with cannabis in cell

Kevin Warner

A convicted murderer was found with cannabis in his prison cell, Magistrates’ Court heard.Kevin Warner, 21, who is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Dekimo Martin, admitted possession of cannabis and of cannabis resin in the increased penalty zone of Westgate Prison.The court heard that on September 25, during a search of Warner’s prison cell, prison officers found a number of twists and wraps concealed inside a cereal box.Warner told them: “I have a big case coming up. I don’t need this. Just let me flush it.”The drugs were found to be 0.3 grams of cannabis and 0.4 grams of cannabis resin.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner imposed sentences of six months’ imprisonment for each.Mr Warner said: “These sentences would normally run consecutively, but that would be folly in these circumstances. Nevertheless, people who are found in to be in possession of drugs in increased penalty zones will be imprisoned.”Ian DeSilva, 36, of Court Street, Pembroke, was then charged with possession of cannabis and of drug equipment, namely scissors and a glass pipe, on February 16.He was further charged with allowing the misuse of drugs at his Court Street premises on May 4.Mr DeSilva pleaded not guilty to all charges, and Mr Warner set a trial date of September 26. Bail of $2,000 was granted, with one surety.Jahlario Samuels, 22, of Elliott Street, Pembroke, next pleaded guilty to possession of cannabis on May 4.Crown counsel Robert Welling told the court that police executed a search warrant at Mr DeSilva’s Court Street premises on that date.Police found nine people at the address, where there was also a strong odour of cannabis. A dog alerted them to two twists containing plant matter on the kitchen floor, which were found to contain 0.2 grams of cannabis. Samuels took responsibility for the drugs. The others were not charged.Mr Warner fined Samuels $1,000 for the offence.