Senator critical of OBA website statement
Government Senator David Burt said the One Bermuda Alliance is putting politics before country after claiming it admitted reporting false information in a statement about budget cuts.Senator Burt said Shadow Families Minister Donte Hunt had apologised privately for an article on the OBA’s website which states 55 young Bermudians were forced to return home without completing their psychological treatment because of a $3.5 million slash in the Department of Child and Family Services budget.Minister Glenn Blakeney had correctly stated no child returned to Bermuda without completing their treatment, according to Sen Burt.He questioned why the article remained online yesterday morning.“As legislators and leaders, if we begin to put things in the public domain which are not true, it lessens all our credibility,” he told the Upper House.Describing the article as “wonderful and sensational but completely false and not true”, Sen Burt continued: “Donte Hunt apologised to the Minister responsible and said this was in fact an error.“Why is it still on their website? Why are they repeating it?”Sen Burt also criticised Opposition Senate leader Michael Dunkley for saying at least 25 dumpsters were on the roads earlier in the session, when in fact the figure is six.“It’s very important that we are careful and measured. Do we put politics before country?” he said.Useful websites:,