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Unemployment survey registers 650 as counting continues

Government’s push to register the Island’s unemployed continues this week, with more than 650 people registered so far.The drive began last Tuesday. As of Friday, 531 surveys were completed online while 119 people registered at various stations across the Island, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said.Online registration continued over the weekend, while Bailey’s Bay Cricket Club hosted a registration booth yesterday.The spokeswoman said: “The Ministry is encouraged by the feedback with the unemployment registration drive received thus far and would continue to invite those individuals who have yet to register to visit www.gov.bm or attend this final week of registration locations.”The drive is intended to give the Government more accurate information about the Island’s unemployment rate, which in turn will aid Government in making policy decisions.The most recent unemployment data, taken from a 2009 labour force survey, gave Bermuda a 4.5 percent unemployment rate.Registration will take place today at Warwick Workman’s Club and tomorrow at Somerset Cricket Club, from 4pm to 8pm.Additional registration sessions will take place at Heron Bay MarketPlace and the Cathedral Hall in Hamilton, from 10am to 3pm on Thursday and Friday respectively.