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Legal executives get recognition, regulation

The legal executive profession is being given official recognition through legislation which passed through the House of Assembly on Friday.Attorney General Michael Scott said the profile and professionalism of legal executives will be raised, while their livelihoods will be protected, by the Legal Executives (Registration) Act.The law ensures legal executives must reach a minimum standard of expertise and knowledge and sets up a register and registration council. Mr Scott told the House: “It represents a welcomed opportunity for young Bermudians to pursue a promising career with stimulating problem-solving challenges in a recognised, law-related field. “It will of course provide the legislative framework which will serve to enhance the profile of an important but, until now, virtually unrecognised professional niche within Bermuda. Furthermore, it promises to pave the way for meaningful growth in the legal executive profession.“The bill is not creating an occupation that hasn’t already been in existence for many years in Bermuda; as much as it will legitimise an existing occupation and provide an avenue for it to become a springboard toward further professional development.”The AG said it was a timely piece of legislation, explaining: “It is happening now, when our economy and especially our young people are in need of such initiatives from which they stand to benefit from the utilisation of such measures to widen the range of meaningful employment opportunities.”Shadow AG Trevor Moniz said the One Bermuda Alliance supports the legislation, adding it’s a shame the law took so long to come about. OBA leader John Barritt said: “What is it about the machinery that takes it so long to get this off the ground?”Mr Scott said the majority of the population appreciates Government has been prioritising other legislation.