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Health Minister calls for coordinated programmes in schools

Schools are key when it comes to directly influencing the health of our future generations, according to Health Minister Zane DeSilva.Mr DeSilva has made a ministerial statement to the House of Assembly highlighting the need for coordinated health programmes in schools across the Island.He said schools were “a key setting for health promotion” as staff helped to promote healthy weight, prevent obesity and increase physical activity among schoolchildren.Mr DeSilva said: “Health and education and interdependent: Healthy students are better learners, and better-educated individuals are healthier. Schools can directly influence students’ health and behaviours. Coordinated school health programmes can help improve both health and educational outcomes.”Mr DeSilva’s speech comes after schools that consistently promote good health to students and staff were recognised through the Healthy Schools Awards 2011. A team reviewed 34 public and private primary, middle and senior schools to determine their level of compliance with Healthy Schools Standards.The Berkeley Institute was awarded the most improved recognition award for showing improvement in all eight categories and Somersfield Academy was the school with the highest overall level of compliance. Prospect Primary School was also given a mention for replacing the practice of rewarding students with food for a ‘store’ filled with school supplies.