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Tendulkar's sure to bow out a champion

The Cricket World Cup is merely days away and it is almost impossible to pick a winner. With so many quality teams out there and all capable of beating each other on their day, the overall winner will have to peak at the right time, have a little bit of luck, or have a spectacular performance by a spectacular player.Before sharing my predictions, I must comment on the new format which I feel has been tailored made to benefit the ‘Big Boys' of cricket.Let us take a look at the two groups. Group A comprises of Australia, Kenya, Canada, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, New Zealand and Zimbabwe. Group B comprises of England, Bangladesh, West Indies, India, Ireland Netherlands and South Africa. The format is quite simple, playing a round robin tournament with the top four teams coming out of each group to form the quarterfinals.I sit with a smile on my face as I remember the major upsets that took place during the last World Cup, a travesty for all those involved administratively. In the previous World Cup there were four smaller groups of four with just the top two from each group advancing, setting the stage for major upsets and excitement. However, after seeing India and Pakistan get bounced out of the tournament in the preliminary stages, the new system ensures that no longer can the ‘Big Teams' be eliminated at the first hurdle. In addition this format limits the minnows to a place of having almost no chance of advancing. For lack of a better word “Rubbish!”The powers that be in cricket spend millions of dollars a year in an effort to improve the minor countries like Bermuda, Scotland, and Namibia in hope to increase the interest and improve cricket around the world. Albeit, that now the minor countries are actually improving, a new system is introduced to reduce our chances of participation. Contradictory?Enough of that. Here are my picks for Group A. My top four picks are Sri Lanka, Australia, Pakistan and New Zealand. Not foreseeing any major upsets in this group.In my opinion Sri Lanka are favourites in this group as they certainly are more acclimatised to the conditions and have a well-balanced team. With a convincing victory over the West Indies in a recent warm-up match, they are entering the preliminary rounds full of confidence.Australia are my pick to finish second in this group. Australia are running hot and cold. Having thrashed England 6-1 in a best of seven they were thrashed by South Africa by 7 wickets in a warm-up match.In third place I have to go with hosts Pakistan. Pakistan have one of the most dominating one-day players around in captain Shahid “Boom Boom” Afridi. Afridi has scored the fastest century ever in one-day cricket scoring 100 off of merely 37 balls. Playing at home they will look to bounce back from a devastating World Cup in 2007 in which they were eliminated in the first round.New Zealand will sneak home in fourth, but they are the dark-horse team.On their day they could beat any team in the world, but recently they have been struggling for form. Their form may be returning as they recently scored 311 against an improving Ireland team.This leaves Kenya, Canada and Zimbabwe heading home early. However watch out for Kenya and Zimbabwe, they are both capable of causing a bit of trouble.Don't be surprised if Zimbabwe slip into the top four because of their determination and experience.Moving onto Group B, which looks to be the group that could be full of surprises, in at the number one spot are South Africa. They are by far playing the most consistent cricket around. Having just pulverised a very strong Australian team by seven wickets, they are full of confidence.Comfortably in second I choose India. Any team that has the services of Sachin Tendulkar has a chance of winning the World Cup; he is the “Little Master”.After having a horrible World Cup in the West Indies, most notably being beaten by Bangladesh, they are looking to bounce back on home soil.This is where it gets tricky. Out of the remaining teams there is really no dominant team, but I have to pick West Indies to finish third, going against my better judgment I must say. This team has struggled in one-day cricket, but in Adrian Barrath they have a cricketer with finesse, a flair that West Indies cricket has been longing for.How far the West Indies advance in this tournament will be down to one man, and that is Chris Gayle. If Gayle performs at his best they have a real chance, but if he fails, chances are they will be packing their bags early.In fourth place I see England barely making it by the skin of their teeth.Although they are the team that I support whole-heartedly, they are playing horrible cricket right now. If, they don't get their act together they could go home during the first round as I see Ireland being a major threat for this fourth spot.The one thing England have in their favour is having one of the best bowling attacks around. However one-day cricket is also about making runs so if they can find some form in the batting arena they too can challenge for top honours.If my predictions are correct, the quarterfinals promises to be very interesting: Sri Lanka v England, Australia v West Indies, India v Pakistan, and South Africa v New Zealand. Unfortunately, the way the system is set up I cannot see any of the minnows making it through to this round. Teams like Ireland and Canada are capable of pulling off a major upset, but not enough to get them through the group stages. Bangladesh and Zimbabwe are the long shots in each group having had loads of international exposure.Therefore, I see Sri Lanka meeting India in one semi-final and South Africa v Australia in the other. I cannot see any other team around capable of stopping them unless there is an outstanding performance by an individual.According to my predictions the World Cup final will see the best batting team in the world in India fitted against the best all-around team in South Africa. The question is who or what will separate these two teams when it is all said and done?India will have the pressure of playing at home with there being enormous expectations. On the other hand, South Africa will be hoping to break their jinx of never having won the World Cup.This will be a tough one to call.Recently they played a one-day series in which South Africa won 3-2. No doubt the teams are evenly balanced.Big players must step up to the plate and with this in mind Sachin Tendulkar who is playing in his final World Cup will want to bow out a champion.It is almost inevitable that Tendulkar will be sketching his name in the record books one more time emphasising why many believe he is the best batsman ever.