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Sports academies are way forward for schools

It’s 2011 let’s stop beating around the bush to find answers when it comes to all of our sports here in Bermuda. While our Government may seem to have put sports on the back burner by relinquishing our portfolio status, I’m here to declare that sports is and will always be an important part of Bermuda and our youth, especially our young men.Without it we many never be able to bridge the gap and heal the wounds of our country. Sports in general reaches out to thousands of people both young and old alike, so let’s stop treating it as just an extra-curricular activity where it doesn’t matter whether it stops or continues.The reality is that sport is a tool that gives options to our school aged children. However, if it’s not declared as important or treated as if only academics matter then we start losing generations. As a result of lack of interest in things that should be considered fun we run into many other social ills. Believe it or not there are many advocates out there that are truly dedicated to the growth of sport, and do all that they can to revive the passion but all to no avail because of lack of support, and I don’t mean just financial, because that’s only a part of what is needed for success.So much has been discussed in the past about this particular subject, and if I can recall correctly, El James former Minister of Education spoke about possibly having sports academies attached to schools. This sounded like a great idea and I for one am curious to see if this was just his thought or was it the thought of the PLP Government. My understanding surrounding the basics of the academies comprised of children being accepted into the after school academies and attending them after school to be coached at the highest level.Obviously this set up will not reach all of the kids, but it will instill and encourage students to get more involved so that they too may be chosen to be a part of something that could allow them to shine. Believe it or not our children have big dreams in their early years but if these dreams are not fed they become a distant memory of things that they used to enjoy.A system such as this can only benefit our youth of today. Let’s make the steps towards programmes such as this where students then will be forced to make wise choices when it comes to health, fitness, and drugs. How? The academies would have to have the standard monitoring that takes place with respect to drug testing, minimum academic requirements, and the introduction to psychology in sports, as the whole objective is to ensure that the athlete is 100 percent committed and focused on his/her sport.If we look at our athletes today we will notice that many of them have been stunted in their pursuance of excellence just because of not having the knowledge of knowing what it really takes. It is our duty to guide them in every way possible so that they are not disappointed when they apply to colleges and universities and are turned away because of factors that could have been prevented and avoided.All athletes will not reach the ultimate goal of professionalism, but the hard work and desire that pushes them to try and reach that feat will certainly help them to fall into the position of good role models and future managers and leaders of our community.Realistically this won’t save all of our kids, but it’s a start, for the old saying goes, “iron sharpens iron.” But can this really work in Bermuda? Is it far fetched to believe that it can come a reality? The only way to find out is to do the research behind it all and start implementing one step at a time. Let’s stop talking and act on this idea.Bermuda focusing on our youth is not an option; it is a requirement, for they are our future. We must channel all of our energy towards a brighter future through sports and education. If we have to marry sports and education together to improve both then that’s what we have to do.These programmes for highly skilled individuals should ensure these athletes are also educated. That has to be a stipulation as sports is a ticket towards supplemented or free higher education.As a teacher I have to applaud my fellow co workers at Whitney Middle School as we have a “No Pass, No Play” policy where our students realise that they have to pass ALL of their classes if they are to represent the school in any sporting event. What we at Whitney are teaching our kids is that they are student athletes, with student being the key word.Basically, it will take a massive effort for us to refocus our youth. Sports, education and parental support is a start, but collectively we must all do our part to enhance the quality of the individual and the quality of our lovely island Bermuda.Quote of the week: The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender Vince Lombardi