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Protection from the unexpected this season

Hurricane season officially starts on June 1 and ends on November 30. The National Weather Service is currently predicting an active hurricane season with 15 to 17 named storms out of which four or five are expected to become major hurricanes.Hurricanes present many hazards including high winds, storm surge, flooding and tornados. They are one of nature’s most powerful storms and their potential for destruction is tremendous.Simple planning and organisation can help to protect your family and increase your chances of weathering a hurricane safely. It is wise to get your house in order this month with emergency supplies like batteries, flashlights, water and non-perishable food.Insurance is an important part of your preparations, and without adequate coverage you could face a financial burden.Mitch Barker, senior insurance development manager at HSBC Bermuda says,“If you own your home you need to have the building and the contents insured. This will offer peace of mind if the property is damaged by a storm or a hurricane. If you are simply renting a property make sure you have a Home Contents Insurance policy to protect your valuables and possessions. Also, often overlooked is Marine Insurance. You have worked hard to accumulate this asset, and insurance will help to protect it.”These four steps will help you to plan ahead for hurricane season.1. Review your insurance coverageInsurance companies will have cut off times for selling new insurance policies. This usually happens when a hurricane or storm watch is issued. You need to make sure your insurance premiums are paid and up to date before it is too late. A Home Insurance policy from HSBC provides comprehensive coverage for your home and/or its contents.To help you determine the overall cost of your home contents, you can start by identifying what it will take to bring you back to the position you presently enjoy if your valuables were destroyed.2. Prepare your propertyStart defending your home against a hurricane by clearing the yard of any weak or diseased tree limbs to avoid additional damage to your property. You should also prepare a hurricane tool kit with all the items you need to secure the inside and the outside of your home. This includes keeping a supply of plywood on your property so you can board up the windows if a hurricane is imminent. The inside of your home should not be overlooked, and you may want to consider moving anything valuable to an upstairs storey. In addition, you should cover electronics like stereos and televisions in plastic to protect them from water damage.3. Create a family planWhere will your family be if disaster was to strike? Your family may not be together if a hurricane was to hit the island suddenly. List the names and contact information of your family members and post this information in your home. The plan should also include a meeting place if you are separated and the location of two official hurricane shelters if you need to reach them.4. Stock an emergency supply kitAn emergency supply kit should contain at least a week’s worth of food, water, prescription medications, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit and a battery operated radio. Pack these items and store them in a safe place in your home. Ensure that every family member knows where the kit is located in the event of an emergency. Double check these supplies on an ongoing basis to ensure the kit is well-stocked and that any items are replaced regularly as needed.After a hurricane passesFollowing a storm or a hurricane the first thing to do is to check that everyone in your family is safe. You will then need to make a list of damages to your house, contents, and your car or boat. At the earliest opportunity report any damage to your insurance company. This is important so they can file your claim and begin the process of assessing the damages.The insurance company should have a dedicated telephone number which you can call for additional information about your claim.Our easy step-by-step checklist can help you to prepare for hurricane season.Hurricane Checklistn Ensure that your home and contents are insured for the full replacement cost. Come in to any HSBC branch and speak to a Banking Specialist for more information or visit www.hsbc.bm/insurance.n Review your Family Plan and designate a safe place for your family to weather out the storm.n Check that your Emergency Supply Kit contains flashlights, radio, first aid kit and batteries.n Check hardware and ensure you have a hurricane tool kit ready to see you through the storm. It should include plywood, nails, hammer, plastic sheeting, a tarp and a coil of rope.n Gather food supplies for up to three days including water, powdered milk, prepared foods and snacks. You will need to keep a non-electrical can opener on hand to open non-perishable items.n Trim trees and shrubs in your garden.n Charge your cell phone.n Monitor news on the local radio station: The Emergency Broadcast station is FM 100.1 mHzEmergency sheltersn Cedarbridge Academy Gymnasiumn Berkeley Institute GymnasiumEmergency Numbersn Police, Fire, Ambulance, Marine Rescue: 911n Emergency Measures Organisation: 295 0011n Belco: 955n Bermuda Weather: 977n For more information about insurance visit www.hsbc.bm/insurance or call 296 SAFE.