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Former UBP MP Tucker joins PLP

New colleagues: Darius Tucker (left) has joined the PLP and will now be colleagues with Dale Butler. File photo.

Former United Bermuda Party MP Darius Tucker has this morning joined the Progressive Labour Party.Mr Tucker announced the move in a personal explanation to the House of Assembly saying he wants to “reflect the times” and acknowledge the need for the community to come together.He quit the UBP in the summer of 2009 amid frustration at its failure to reform and today became the second MP to complete a journey across the floor this term, following Wayne Furbert’s move last year.In his personal explanation to the House, Mr Tucker said his dedication to his constituents had not dropped despite the fact he no longer serves them under the UBP banner."I have spent the past two years in my constituency and Bermuda listening to their hopes, their dreams and far too often their fears," he said."They haven't really cared what political party pin I have pinned to my lapel. All they cared about was if I could help them, whether I could solve their problem, whether I could calm their fears and whether I could relieve their pain."He added he had watched the demise of the UBP and birth of the One Bermuda Alliance and compared it to the efforts of a PLP Government which has "begun to reset the dial".