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Anti-violence group split by rift

Jahma Gibbons

The anti-violence group Stand Up Bermuda, which now has 3,000 members signed up online, has been troubled by conflicts of its own with the group’s organisers disavowing founder and former gang member Jahma Gibbons.Mr Gibbons admitted that the police were called following an altercation with his committee on Sunday night, while Stand Up Bermuda was completing its Bermuda Day float in memory of recent gun victims.According to the group’s spokeswoman Shawnette Somner, Mr Gibbons subsequently deleted committee members from the group’s Facebook site and blocked them from access. Last night he said: “The committee have done a great job, but not by themselves. It was under my direction. There has to be a chief and there have to be Indians.”He added: “If they want to come over to Stand Up Bermuda, they can do that, but if they don’t they will have to come up with their own name and organisation.”Mr Gibbons, who has resided since October in North Carolina and returned to the Island on Thursday of last week, said he had recruited his organising committee down the internet without meeting them in person.Ms Somner said: “We all met Jahma in person on Friday, and we saw another side of him.”She said that on Saturday night, Mr Gibbons removed a flower from the group’s parade float, drawing a reprimand from a volunteer who did not know him.“He overreacted in such a hostile manner that the rest of us got worried,” Ms Somner said.Although Mr Gibbons apologised soon after, she said at a meeting on Sunday night “he flared up again, and we called the police. We were told he had handpicked us to be on his committee and said we could all leave if we wanted to.”Mr Gibbons said the incident had occurred, but described it as “a disagreement on protocol”.“Things need to come to the top. What happened was one of the committee members is a police officer and she called her brother, and several police were brought with him, which was uncalled for. They came and left. There was no need for them in the first place; it was a misunderstanding.”Mr Gibbons added: “The committee members have done an excellent job, and I give it all to them. But they can’t forget the Lord has chosen me to be the leader. That’s where the problem comes in. There has to be structure or we will have problems down the line.”Stand Up Bermuda has recruited 3,000 members in recent months, primarily through the Facebook site ‘Stand Up 4 Whats Rite or Fall 4 Whats Wrong’. Committee member Scott Smith confirmed last night that “the members of the committee have been blocked out”.“There is dissension, not by our choice,” Mr Smith said. “The bottom line is that ego got in the way.”Committee members were to meet last night to discuss a new course of action.Both sides say the organisation’s June 26 peace rally is still to go ahead.Stand Up Bermuda’s May 24 parade float took third place in the category of best community, volunteer or political awards. Mr Smith said: “The bottom line is, we can’t afford to fight. It hurts me to see so much disunity at a time when we have to organise.”Useful web link: www.standupbermuda.org.