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Accused acting 'differently' on night of murder, court told

Photo by Glenn TuckerKevin Warner, who denies premeditated murder.

A close friend of murder accused Kevin Warner said he was acting differently than normal the night Dekimo “Purple” Martin was shot, Supreme Court heard today.During questioning, Chelsy Lewis said she and her friend of four years Mr Warner would usually “exchange hugs” and “joke around” when they saw each other.But on the night of May 27 last year, she said he didn’t give her a hug and appeared “distant”. She told the court: “Normally we would both joke and exchange jokes but I was the only one joking and he was laughing.”Miss Lewis said Mr Warner was a “frequent visitor” to her home, sometimes between one and three times a week, and admitted he would ocassionally sleep over.She said he was friends with 24-year-old Mr Martin, but denied they were best friends when asked by defence lawyer Kim Hollis QC.She also denied that the two men had lived together several years ago and said: “That wasn’t a house that they were living in. It was basically like a little club house... a little hang out like a pump room, an abandoned place.“It wasn’t just them that were there it was a few people. It was just friends that would just go into and chill in this place and sometimes they would sleep there. I wouldn’t say they were living there.”According to Miss Lewis, who lived in the same shared family home on Peacock Crescent, in Sandys, as Mr Martin, she was watching a movie around 10.30pm when Mr Warner first arrived at the house.After 20 to 30 minutes of talking with her friend and cousin outside, she came in the house to help her mother with her seven-month-old son.She told the court she was sitting in the living room and could hear the two men speaking outside, but couldn’t hear what they were saying.Her father Robin Lewis eventually came inside and moments later they heard three gun shots fired one after the other. Miss Lewis tried to call her cousin’s cell phone, but there was no answer, she said.Mr Warner, 21, is charged with the premeditated murder of Mr Martin on May 28 last year. The Warwick Park Road resident is also charged with carrying a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence on the same date.He has denied both charges. The case continues before Puisne Judge Carlisle Greaves.