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Appeal to newcomers

May 5, 2011Dear Sir,My name is Russell Richardson a fourth generation St David's Islander who is about to open a large can of worms. My family has lived in the same area for over 100 years, five generations, we have earned the respect of our fellow Islanders and give full respect to our fellow Islanders. Never would I have imagined that any one of the following, let along all of them, taking place:l People entering your property walking past you and not speaking, Government have built public roads — use them.l People stealing bikes from your yard in broad daylight.l Breaking into your house in broad daylight.l Stealing fruit and vegetables from your garden (Ask and I will give).l Having to lock my back door because I want to go to the front yard.l Can't leave a crack in my windows to let fresh air in.l Locking my doors and windows because I want to go to my neighbour's house 100 yards awayl Having to install CCTV to protect my home and property.l Having to chase young boys and girls from the neighbourhood because they are dressed in black clothing and crash helmets.l Having to lock my sheds when I am working in the yard.l Tearing up my flower gardens.l Calling me uncle is not a sign of respect, I call all of my uncles by name because I know them.I am the last person to say do not move into my area. I welcome all who come, I just ask that you show respect for others and their property.St David's Islanders are a peaceful people that are more than welcoming.Mr Editor, I am at the end of my rope and do not know what to do, so I am appealing to our new residents to become an Islander and not bring disrespect to our lovely portion of our great country.I do not want to get a dog to guard my property.RUSSELL RICHARDSONSt David's