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Crime and politics

May 2, 2011Dear Sir,With this latest tragedy of a young man shot for no reason, I feel compelled to state the obvious to the public. Stop voting for an inept Government. Crime and prices are the only things that have gone up under the PLP government. Wake up people. Do you all want to know how and why the guns get into Bermuda?In my opinion, guns and drugs get into Bermuda because people high up in Bermuda society i.e. police, politicians, and financial elite, allow it to occur as their pockets are greased. No, people, I am not some conspiracy theorist. I am just a 24-year-old with a brain that who lacks the rose-coloured glasses most Bermudians seem to wear. It is obvious. Bermuda is so tiny. People know who are doing the shootings and bringing in the drugs, but nothing is done … why? Because too many corrupt people exist in positions of power.Stop going after the little people. If you want to kill a beast, you lop off its head, not its toe. Who is allowing all this to occur under their watch? The Government and the police force are the ones to blame. Tough economic times from foolish fiscal practices by this Government, a backwards education system, and a totally horrid justice system are why we are in this disastrous situation.Revamp the justice system! Trial by jury on such a small Island is futile! We need judge panels. They do it in the Caribbean. We need restorative justice, not just punitive. We also need a foreign task force with experience to come in here and firstly clean up these little despots plaguing our Island and then investigate the corrupt figures that have allowed this all to occur.ROBERT DAVIESDevonshire