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Former Island travel agent selling Bermuda to the US

Brenda Warwick

A former Bermuda-based travel agent is now selling the Island as a destination to the rest of the world.Brenda Warwick, who worked for C-Travel for eight years, has joined established travel agency Largay Travel based in Waterbury, Connecticut.Ms Warwick, who also owned Tradewinds Travel in Smiths for more than 20 years prior to joining C-Travel as a Virtuoso specialist focusing on luxury travel, has taken up her new post as independent consultant at Largay working from home and connected to the main office.“As I am now working for a US travel agency, I am in the perfect position to be ‘selling’ Bermuda for incoming visitors and Largay Travel plans to highlight my expertise as their first international travel consultant,” she said.As a result Ms Warwick will be visiting all of the Virtuoso properties, including Rosewood Tucker’s Point, the Elbow Beach Hotel, the Fairmont Southampton and the Fairmont Hamilton Princess to see their hotel rooms and meet with the general managers, all of whom she knows personally, gaining the first-hand knowledge to impart to clients worldwide.Born in England, Ms Warwick moved to Bermuda and has since crossed the Atlantic on the QE2 many times.During her time in the travel industry she has specialised in river cruises and escorted tours, as well as attending Virtuoso’s Travel Mart exposition held in Las Vegas every year, developing personal contacts with the top hoteliers, tour operators and cruise companies who can offer the best possible customised service to her clients.Her knowledge of the leading ski resorts in Europe and North and South America, as well as the cities and rail and cruise routes of Europe, as well as her extensive experience working in the airline and hotel industries are attributes she hopes to utilise in her new role.For more information contact brenda[AT]largaytravel.com