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Bermudian in tornado-hit US town issues an appeal

A small statue stares out from the wreckage of the Rosedale Community in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, after a killer tornado decimated the town. Other tornadoes wreaked havoc across the state. Bermudian Patricia Fields, who is in one of the affected towns, has appealed for Islanders to offer relief assistance.

A Bermudian stranded in tornado-devastated Huntsville, Alabama, has called for locals to join in relief efforts.“There are houses blown off their foundations, houses totally wiped away,” said Smith’s resident Patricia Fields, whose mother Wilhelmina has been undergoing treatment at Huntsville Hospital.Staying with friends on the perimeter of the city, the family sheltered in a bathroom when tornadoes struck on April 28.“It was 4pm and the sky went dark like night,” Ms Fields recalled. “We’re in the northwest of the city, which got a lot of wind damage and trees down, but there are areas of the city that are just destroyed. They don’t build like we do in Bermuda.”Due to return to the Island more than a week ago, Ms Fields now hopes to get home in another week’s time.“Right now I’m just trying to help out,” she said. “I know a lot of Bermudians have studied out here and benefited from this area. I went to Alabama A and M University.“My cousin and I have been donating non-perishables, shoes and clothing and bedding, because there are people out here who have lost everything. I just want to get the word out to other Bermudians.”l Useful web link: www.alabamapossible.org