Generational change
May 4, 2011Dear Sir,Message to Antony Santucci and all his fellow sheep who blindly follow the bleatings of the PLP: Keep telling the voters that the One Bermuda Alliance is the same old, same old ... and then tell them about the triceratops people and their Stone Age ideas in your own party. As far as I can see, it's your party that's the same old, same old ...Whether you or anyone else in your group want to believe it, this new Party is a generational change. In the old UBP, there was no one under the age of 50 but now, with amalgamation, the people of Bermuda will have a viable alternative, fully populated with younger people with modern ideas and the ability to actually govern. For 12 years, you and your colleagues have relied on a racial basis for your existence and have never made any attempt to actually develop a vision; a long term plan; or even figure out how to lead or govern a country (or a nation, as you call Bermuda).The PLP has based its entire period in power on division of the races; incompetence, and no desire to include people who are actually knowledgeable. Today the voters have a younger, racially balanced, competent and educated group who are able to solve the problems we have today and who do not have as their guiding light — “let's just do what it takes to stay in power”.The PLP has been totally inept and unable to solve any issue that arises — crime and gun warfare is rampant; the public education system is a joke to everyone but Dame Jennifer; any dollars that we do spend on promoting tourismare absolutely wasted by the total incompetence to even move cruise ship passengers from any point to any other (this after Pope Ewart insisted that they all get dropped off at Dockyard — what? did he and you think they should stay there all day ?); and the economy is in total disarray and your people are losing their jobs and falling farther into debt.Paula and some others have been hanging around the exempt company people for long enough to learn all the buzz words — which seem to impress her sheep who have no idea what she's talking about (and nor does she, most of the time ... but it is lovely to listen to all those pretty words). All in all we have reached a crossroads as individuals — either sit on your hands with your head in the sand and keep voting for these clowns who have got us to this low level and who blame everybody else ... or support the people who are our future — and stop deciding every issue on the basis of race.POLLY SAWYERSouthampton