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Former W&E workers appear on fraud charges

Two former Works and Engineering employees have been charged with defrauding the Bermuda Government of funds.Kyril Burrows, 47, and Calvin Waldron, 42, were not required to enter a plea when they appeared in Magistrates’ Court yesterday.The matter is indictable and must be heard in Supreme Court.Prosecutor Kirsty-Ann Kiellor accused the pair of fraudulently tricking, deceiving or enticing servants of the Bermuda Government to pay or deliver money to Allan Foote of AD&T Excavating.The incident is alleged to have happened between August 25 and September 19 of 2005.The charge will be added to multiple counts of cheating, deception and false accounting already faced by Mr Burrows. The Southampton resident faces an additional count of hiding illegally gained funds to avoid prosecution.Mr Waldron, from Devonshire, is also charged with multiple counts of deception.They are charged with two others who were not before the court yesterday: Mr Burrows’ wife, Delcina Bean-Burrows, 48, and former Works and Engineering employee Greatfield Carmichael, 61.The matter was adjourned until next month for mention. Mr Burrows and Mr Waldron are set to have a long form preliminary inquiry on July 13.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner released the men on $10,000 bail, with one surety.