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UBP media man Don Grearson quits post

The United Bermuda Party’s communications consultant has quit after more than four years’ service.It’s understood Don Grearson’s departure is connected to the official Opposition’s fund-raising difficulties; he terminated his contract as negotiations with the Bermuda Democratic Alliance began casting a shadow over the UBP’s long-term future at the end of January.Mr Grearson is said to have worked with Shadow Finance Minister Bob Richards on the Budget Reply in February.Since then, leader Kim Swan and party chairman, Senator Jeanne Atherden, have been handling media enquiries, although there has been no announcement of Mr Grearson’s resignation.Mr Grearson, author of ‘USS Bermuda’, a book about America’s military establishment on the Island, was hired as a consultant in the latter half of 2006, and worked as a press officer as well as on party strategy.Senator Atherden said in a statement yesterday: “Don’s service was valued and it is true that he tendered his notice to the United Bermuda Party and left on good terms three months ago.“It not our policy to discuss the internal matters of our party but like many organisations we have had to do more with less and therefore we have utilised various ways to streamline and still achieve the desired results.”Mr Grearson declined to comment when contacted by this newspaper yesterday.