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Man charged with assaulting tourists in public park

A Devonshire man was yesterday charged with assaulting and attempting to rob a pair of tourists in a public toilet.Omar Young, 37, pleaded not guilty in Magistrates’ Court to one count of attempted robbery.He also denied one count of unlawful wounding and one count of possessing an offensive weapon, namely a metal pipe.The defendant is accused of accosting two American visitors in the men’s restroom in Par-La-Ville park on Saturday.Mr Young allegedly blocked the door and told the complainants: “Give me everything you’ve got.”The complainants, who are brothers, are said to have challenged Mr Young and attempted to push their way past him and out of the door.A scuffle followed. At some point the defendant allegedly grabbed a metal pipe and struck one of the visitors, 48-year-old Lawrence Nader, leaving him with a cut to his head.Members of the public came to the brothers’ assistance, and reportedly held Mr Young until police arrived.“Those two tourists attacked me in the bathroom,” Mr Young insisted in court yesterday.Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner remanded him in custody until May 23, when he is expected to return to Magistrates’ Court for trial.