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Passers-by are quick on the draw

Getting arty: Martina Podolinska, visiting from Toronto, Canada, draws a sketch while fiance Paolo Meleca looks on at the BSOA Quick Draw outside of City Hall yesterday. The drawings done by passing people will be displayed on April 28.

The Bermuda Society of the Arts invited members of the public to a “quick draw” in Hamilton yesterday.At a table in front of City Hall, passers-by were called upon to contribute spontaneous drawings, to be included at next week’s gallery opening night.“We’re inviting people to express themselves and then come and see their own art of display,” volunteer Pat Morley explained. “It’s to expose people to the fact that art is everywhere, and you don’t have to be trained to have something to say.”The gallery’s new show upstairs in City Hall opens between 5pm and 7pm on April 28.