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BPSU: No deal over pay unless Govt gives guarantees

Bermuda Public Services Union wants assurances Government will help workers through the economic crisis if they accept a tougher pay offer.New leader Kevin Grant called a meeting with members today after growing frustrated at Government's failure to give concrete answers during their negotiations.Mr Grant told The Royal Gazette an offer of a 1.25 percent wage increase remains on the table, but workers won't accept it unless Government can help with measures such as a freeze on food prices.The leader said they also wanted guarantees there won't be redundancies later this summer as Government tries to cut costs during the recession.He did not rule out a protest, but said the union is first hoping to get Premier Paula Cox at a meeting with other stakeholders such as retailers.“Maybe the workers would even consider a wage freeze, but they have to give us some guarantees first,” he said.“They want to know why they are the ones who always have to make a sacrifice.”