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St George’s Police Station operating 24 hours a day

Twenty-four hour policing has returned to St George’s, according to Mayor Kenneth Bascome.The move follows repeated calls by Mr Bascome and area residents after the station began operating under reduced hours in 2009.“My understanding is that there are persons in the station 24/7 as of now,” he said. “What I want is to get the door open so that people can see that this station is operational.”Mr Bascome told St George’s residents at a public meeting at Penno’s Wharf last week that he thought the station would increase its hours soon.“We met with the Governor and the Governor assured us that the St George’s Police Station will be operating 24/7 in the near future.“He had been under the impression that we wanted to move all the East End operations there, but I explained that was not the case.“We want foot patrols so that the community feel safe, and I believe that if people feel safe, more people will come,” he saidThe St George’s Police Station was closed in 2007 when its ageing building was said to be infested with termites. The station reopened after refurbishments in 2009, operating from 8am to 8pm.Opposition leader and St George’s resident Kim Swan said the announcement was excellent news.“We have been calling for that, myself and the mayor, for the police station to reopen since it was first closed years ago,” he said.“We were pleased that is was renovated and refurbished, but it was a disappointment when it was not fully functional.“I think that the station being 24/7 by the summer will put a lot of the residents at ease, knowing that the foot patrols and the police that work in the community will be in close proximity.”