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UK university fees jump

Bermudian students may find it cheaper to attend some Canadian universities, with tuition fees set to rise in the UK.Locals who have paid home tuition fees at UK universities, rather than the international rate, face a substantial price hike for the coming year, as the UK government transfers costs from the state to students.This week, 31 UK universities announced their 2012 fees. The University of Warwick, which will cost £9,000 ($14,700) for the coming year, showed a standard home fee of £3,375 ($5,500) for last year the same as the University of Portsmouth, which is now charging £8,500 ($13,900), and Coventry University, which at £4,600 ($7,520) was the least expensive on the list.Out of the 31 academic institutions, 23 have hiked their annual fees to the £9,000 upper limit more than Nova Scotia’s Acadia University, whose tuition fees for full-time undergraduates this academic year were just under $13,000 (BDA$13,500).An international undergraduate taking a Bachelor of Management course at Dalhousie University stands to pay about $15,000 (BDA$15,700).Attending university in the US, which can cost international students $40,000 a year, remains the most expensive option for Bermudians.Useful website:www.direct.gov.uk